Delay in the growth of facial hair is a problem for many . In this topic is i will show you how to quickly grow the hair of face .So follow these steps: shave your face everyday ,pass the rasor reverse the growth of hair follicle ,then use a moisturizing cream to protect your skin from any sensivity .
Increase the hair growth faster by : _ Visit ur doctor to make sure there is no hormonal problems _ Propagation of eating fruits; vegetables; fish ;and nuts _ Facial massgae by oils or cream to help the appearance of hair _ Avoid eating sweets and fast food _ The use of natural herbs and oils to help to intensify the hair
Grow your facial hair faster now : * Increase the amount of protein in your diet * Peeling skin every week to remove dead skin cells to stimulate hair growth * Moisturize the skin because the skin moist is a good envirronment to grow hair faster * Dot not sleep on your face : sleep on certain place leads to prevent the growth of hair leaving voids troublesome
These tips will help you to grow ur facial hair faster so lets start : _ Sleep well :good sleep helps to enhance the dead cells _ Take vitamins needed : vitamin A,vitamin B ;vitamin C ; vitamin E _ Wash ur face by warm and disinfectant water every day _ Avoid smoking : smoking leads to hair loss _ Practicing yoga and relaxation helps the growth of hair faster
Tips to grow facial hair To increase ur facial hair you have to : _Remove dead skin weekly _Use some creams to active hair follicles _Use some effective oils _Follow a balanced food system